
import type { FoodCandidates, NutritionFacts } from '.'

 * An object provided in the callback for food detection containing
 * food candidates as well as nutrition facts, if found
export interface FoodDetectionEvent {
   * A collection of food candidates detected by the models.
  candidates?: FoodCandidates
   * Detected nutrition facts when scanning a nutrition label.
  nutritionFacts?: NutritionFacts
import type { BarcodeCandidate, DetectedCandidate, PackagedFoodCode } from '.'

 * A collection of food candidates detected by the models.
export interface FoodCandidates {
   * Food candidate results from visual scanning. The array is sorted by confidence, with the most confident result at index 0.
  detectedCandidates: DetectedCandidate[]

   * Food candidate results from barcode scanning.
  barcodeCandidates?: BarcodeCandidate[]

   * Food candidate results from packagedFoodCode scanning.
  packagedFoodCode?: PackagedFoodCode[]

 * A food candidate detected from visual scanning
export interface DetectedCandidate {
   * The ID of the detected item
  passioID: PassioID

   * Confidence of the classification candidate, ranging from 0.0 to 1.0
  confidence: number

   * A box describing a detected object's location in the camera view
  boundingBox: BoundingBox

   * Supported only in IOS
   * Scanned AmountEstimate
  amountEstimate?: AmountEstimate
 * A UPC code captured by scanning a barcode
export type Barcode = string

 * A candidate resulting from barcode scanning
export interface BarcodeCandidate {
   * The value of the scanned barcode
  barcode: Barcode

   * A box describing the location of the barcode in the camera view
  boundingBox: BoundingBox
 * packagedFoodCode (typealias String) is the string representation of the PackagedFoodCode id
export type PackagedFoodCode = string

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