Initialize and configure the SDK
Import the Passio Nutrition AI Package
Configure the SDK with the Key you obtained by signing up at
The mode of the PassioStatus defines what is the current status of the configuration process. There are 5 different modes, and they all should be handled by the implementing side.
notReady -> The configuration process hasn't started yet.
failedToConfigure -> There was an error during the configuration process.
isBeingConfigured -> The SDK is still in the configuration process. Normally, you shouldn't receive this mode as a callback to the configure method. If you do please contact our support team.
isDownloadingModels -> The files required by the SDK to work are not present and are currently being downloaded.
isReadyForDetection -> The configuration process is over and all the SDKs functionalities are available.
Request authorization to use the camera and add the
Add the method
and register aFoodRecognitionListener
Stop Food Detection on widget
Get nutritional information for food using a
as a food identifier:
If at any point you need help from the Passio team, please reach out to us at
Last updated