Added two new parameters to the PassioConfiguration object: proxyUrl and proxyHeaders. If supplied, the SDK will use the proxyUrl value as a base url when executing networking calls, and will append the provided proxyHeaders to the request itself. When proxyUrl is provided, the SDK operates in remoteOnly state.
Removed APIs
Removed function detectFoodIn. Instead, recognizeImageRemote should be used
Added APIs
Added a new search function that provides contextually connected items to the search term:
* Search for food semantic will return a list of alternate search and search result
* @param searchQuery - User typed text.
* @returns A `Promise` resolving to an array of food item result.
searchForFoodSemantic(searchQuery: string): Promise<PassioSearchResult | null>
Added a new api for a recipe builder feature, that gives a list of predicted next ingredients based on the current list of ingredients in the recipe:
* gives a list of predicted next ingredients based on the current list of ingredients in the recipe
* @param currentIngredients - List of food ingredients name.
* @returns A `Promise` resolving to an array of food data info.
currentIngredients: string[]
): Promise<PassioFoodDataInfo[] | null>
Refactor API
* This method fetches tags for a given refCode.
* @param refCode - The refCode for the tags query.
* @returns A `string` array of tags if the record exists in the database or `null` if not.
fetchTagsFor(refCode: RefCode): Promise<string[]>
* fetch a map of nutrients for a 100 grams of a specific food item
* @param refCode - The refCode for the attributes query.
* @returns A `Promise` resolving to a `PassioNutrient` object if the record exists in the database or `null` if not.
fetchNutrientsFor(refCode: RefCode): Promise<PassioNutrient[] | null>
Breaking Change ⚠️
It's no longer necessary to mention the Passio AAR path in the build.gradle file.
NOTE: If you don't remove it, you'll get the compile issues.
Refactor API / Breaking Change
removed weighGram and now have servingQuantity and servingUnit in place
* Data info of the food with a given result.
* @param passioFoodDataInfo - Provide `PassioFoodDataInfo` object get `PassioFoodItem` detail.
* @param servingQuantity - Provide `servingQuantity` number to get `PassioFoodItem` detail.
* @param servingUnit - Provide `servingUnit` unit to get `PassioFoodItem` detail.
* @returns A `Promise` resolving to `PassioFoodItem` detail.
passioFoodDataInfo: PassioFoodDataInfo,
servingQuantity?: number,
servingUnit?: String
): Promise<PassioFoodItem | null>
New APIs:
reportFoodItem use this API to report incorrect food item.
* Use this method to report incorrect food item
* Precondition: Either `refCode` or `productCode` must be present
* @param refCode - Reference code of food item
* @param productCode - Product code
* @param notes - Note if any (optional)
* @returns It returns `PassioResult` that can be either an `errorMessage` or the `boolean` noting the success of the operation.
reportFoodItem(report: PassioReport): Promise<PassioResult>
submitUserCreatedFood use API method to submit User Created Food
* Use this method to submit User Created Food. The method will return `true` if the uploading of user food is successful
* @param passioFoodItem - Pass ``PassioFoodItem`` to submit it to Passio
* @returns It returns `PassioResult` that can be either an `errorMessage` or the `boolean` noting the success of the operation.
submitUserCreatedFood(passioFoodItem: PassioFoodItem): Promise<PassioResult>
- Fixed fetchIngredients API crashed issue.
Added APIs
Added function recognizeNutritionFactsRemote that can parse the nutrition facts table from an image and return a PassioFoodItem with the scanned nutrients
Added support for localized content. Using fun updateLanguage(languageCode: String): Boolean with a two digit ISO 639-1 language code will transform the food names and serving sizes in the SDK responses.
Added remoteOnly flag to the PassioConfiguration class. With this flag enabled, the SDK won't download the files needed for local recognition. In this case only remote recognition is possible.
Refactored APIs
recognizeImageRemote can now scan barcodes and nutrition facts. The PassioAdvisorFoodInfo class has been augmented to handle these responses
The NutritionAdvisor.configure no longer needs a separate key for configuration. The PassioSDK needs to be configured in order to call the NutritionAdvisor APIs. Also, any previous NutritionAdvisor keys won't work with this version, a new key needs to be obtained at
Changed weight to ingredientWeight in PassioFoodItem
API Changes
Updated the fetchFoodItemForDataInfo method to include an optional weightGrams parameter
passioFoodDataInfo: PassioFoodDataInfo,
weightGram?: number
): PassioFoodItem
Introduce New API
With the new key comes the new pricing model using tokens. Although all token usage can be seen in the portal, the SDK itself offers a listener to count the tokens being used by the SDK.
onTokenBudgetUpdate: (tokenBudget: PassioTokenBudget) => {
console.log('tokenBudget', tokenBudget)
export interface PassioAccountListener {
onTokenBudgetUpdate: (tokenBudget: PassioTokenBudget) => void
export interface PassioTokenBudget {
budgetCap: number
periodUsage: number
requestUsage: number
usedPercent: number
Flashlight API
* Use this method to turn Flashlight on/off.
* @param enabled - Pass true to turn flashlight on or pass false to turn in off.
* @param torchLevel - Only Available for IOS, Sets the illumination level when in Flashlight mode.
* This value must be a floating-point number between 0.0 and 1.0 default is 1.0.
enableFlashlight(enabled: boolean, torchLevel?: number): void
Camera Zoom Level API
* Use this function if you want to change zoom level of SDK's camera
* @param zoomLevel - Level of zoom. Allowed values range from 1.0 (full field of view) to the value of the active format’s of device.
setCameraZoomLevel(zoomLevel?: number): void
* Use this property to get Min and Max available VideoZoomFactor for camera
getMinMaxCameraZoomLevel(): Promise<PassioCameraZoomLevel>
Now retrieving added sugars nutrients
"Provide a message parameter to indicate the context of the image as optional for recognizeImageRemote
Stop the camera when the view is unmounted for Android
Added API
* fetch list of possible hidden ingredients for a given food name.
* @param foodName - query for foodName.
* @returns A `Promise` resolving to a `PassioFetchAdvisorInfoResult`.
foodName: string
): Promise<PassioFetchAdvisorInfoResult>
* fetch list of possible visual alternatives for a given food name.
* @param foodName - query for foodName.
* @returns A `Promise` resolving to a `PassioFetchAdvisorInfoResult`.
foodName: string
): Promise<PassioFetchAdvisorInfoResult>
* fetch list of possible ingredients if a more complex food for a given food name.
* @param foodName - query for foodName.
* @returns A `Promise` resolving to a `PassioFetchAdvisorInfoResult`.
foodName: string
): Promise<PassioFetchAdvisorInfoResult>
Added resolution: PassioImageResolution as a parameter of the recognizeImageRemote function. This enables the caller to set the target resolution of the image uploaded to the server. Smaller resolutions will result in faster response times, while higher resolutions should provide more accurate results.
export type PassioImageResolution = 'RES_512' | 'RES_1080' | 'FULL'
When using startNutritionFactsDetection, ensure that DetectionCameraView has volumeDetectionMode set to 'none.
Introduce NutritionAdvisor
* Configures the Nutrition Advisor with the provided license key.
* @param licenseKey - The license key to configure the advisor.
* @returns A Promise resolving to the status of the configuration.
configure(licenseKey: string): Promise<PassioAdvisorResultStatus | null>
* Initiates a conversation with the Nutrition Advisor.
* @returns A Promise resolving to the status of the conversation initiation.
initConversation(): Promise<PassioAdvisorResultStatus | null>
* Sends a text message to the Nutrition Advisor.
* @param message - The message to be sent.
* @returns A Promise resolving to the status of the message sending.
sendMessage(message: string): Promise<PassioAdvisorMessageResultStatus | null>
* Sends an image to the Nutrition Advisor.
* @param imageURI - The local URI of the image to be sent.
* @returns A Promise resolving to the status of the image sending.
sendImage(imageURI: string): Promise<PassioAdvisorMessageResultStatus | null>
* Fetches ingredients from the Nutrition Advisor's response.
* @param response - The response object from the Nutrition Advisor.
* @returns A Promise resolving to the status of the ingredient fetching.
response: PassioAdvisorResponse
): Promise<PassioAdvisorMessageResultStatus | null>
How to use API?
import { NutritionAdvisor } from '@passiolife/nutritionai-react-native-sdk-v3'
const status = await NutritionAdvisor.configure(PASSIO_ADVISOR_KEY)
switch (status?.status) {
case 'Success':
case 'Error':
// Send Message
await NutritionAdvisor.sendMessage(message)
//Send Image
await NutritionAdvisor.sendImage(imgUrl)
Added weightUnit and weightQuantity into PassioNutritionPreview
Added refCode as a unique identifier of the food In PassioFoodItem and PassioIngredient
Added fetchFoodItemForRefCode API to get PassioFoodItem using refCode.
* Look up the food item result for a given refCode.
* @param refCode - The refCode for the query.
* @returns A `Promise` resolving to a `PassioFoodItem` object if the record exists in the database or `null` if not.
fetchFoodItemForRefCode(refCode: RefCode): Promise<PassioFoodItem | null>
Added two functions to fetch a list of meal plans and fetch a meal plan for a certain day.
* fetch list of all meal Plans
* @returns A `Promise` resolving to a `PassioMealPlan` array if the record exists in the database or `null` if not.
fetchMealPlans(): Promise<PassioMealPlan[] | null>
* fetch list of all meal Plan item
* @param mealPlanLabel - query for type of mealPlan.
* @param day - for which day meal plan is needed
* @returns A `Promise` resolving to a `PassioMealPlanItem` array if the record exists in the database or `null` if not.
mealPlanLabel: string,
day: number
): Promise<PassioMealPlanItem[] | null>
Refactor API
Now use fetchFoodItemForProductCode API instead of fetchAttributesForBarcode and fetchPassioIDAttributesForPackagedFood API.
* Look up the food item result for a given by barcode or packagedFoodCode.
* @param barcode - barcode for the query.
* or
* @param packageFoodCode - packageFoodCode for the query.
* @returns A `Promise` resolving to a `PassioFoodItem` object if the record exists in the database or `null` if not.
code: Barcode | PackagedFoodCode
): Promise<PassioFoodItem | null>
getAttributesForPassioID renamed to fetchFoodItemForPassioID
fetchAttributesForBarcode and fetchPassioIDAttributesForPackagedFood renamed to fetchFoodItemForProductCode
PassioSearchResult object return PassioFoodDataInfo instead of FoodSearchResult
fetchSearchResult renamed to fetchFoodItemForDataInfo
PassioSearchNutritionPreview renamed to PassioNutritionPreview
Removed unnecessary nutrition data while log object of PassioFoodItem or PassioIngredient
Fix the isOpenFood boolean issue in android.
Introduce a new field openFoodLicense.
Rename method from fetchNutrientsForPassioFoodItemto getNutrientsOfPassioFoodItem
Rename method from fetchNutrientsSelectedSizeForPassioFoodItemto getNutrientsSelectedSizeOfPassioFoodItem
Rename method from fetchNutrientsReferenceForPassioFoodItemto getNutrientsReferenceOfPassioFoodItem
Fixed IOS weight gram value.
Fixed symbol unit for iOS.
Wide Angle camera issue resolved.
Added carbs , protein and fat in PassioSearchNutritionPreview
Added API
* fetch a suggestions for particular meal time 'breakfast' | 'lunch' | 'dinner' | 'snack' and returning results.
* @param mealTime - 'breakfast' | 'lunch' | 'dinner' | 'snack',
* @returns A `Promise` resolving to a `PassioFoodItem` object if the record exists in the database or `null` if not.
fetchSuggestions(mealTime: MealTime): Promise<FoodSearchResult[] | null>
* Detail of search food with a given search result.
* @param result - Provide `PassioSearchResult` object get `PassioFoodItem` detail.
* @returns A `Promise` resolving to `PassioFoodItem` detail.
result: FoodSearchResult
): Promise<PassioFoodItem | null>
searchForFood now returns PassioSearchResult and a list of search options. The PassioSearchResult represent a specific food item associated with the search term, while search options provide a list of possible suggested search terms connected to the input term.
To retrieve all macro and micronutrient values using PassioFoodItemNutrients by passing a passioFoodItem, you would typically follow these steps:
new PassioFoodItemNutrients(passioFoodItem).nutrientsSelectedSize()
new PassioFoodItemNutrients(passioFoodItem).nutrientsReference()
new PassioFoodItemNutrients(passioFoodItem).nutrients({
unit: calculatedWeightUnit,
value: calculatedWeight,
In the FoodItem class, the data type of VitaminA has been updated from number to UnitMass.
* Vitamin A, in IU
vitaminA?: UnitMass;
Added fetchNutrientsFor API.
* fetch a map of nutrients for a 100 grams of a specific food item
* @param passioID - The Passio ID for the attributes query.
* @returns A `Promise` resolving to a `PassioNutrient` object if the record exists in the database or `null` if not.
fetchNutrientsFor(passioID: PassioID): Promise<PassioNutrient[] | null>
export interface PassioNutrient {
// The name of the nutrient.
name: string
// The amount of the nutrient, measured in a specific unit.
amount?: number
// The unit in which the nutrient amount is measured (e.g., grams, milligrams).
unit: string
// The inflammatory effect score associated with the nutrient.
inflammatoryEffectScore?: number