The RecognizeImageRemote component is responsible for recognizing food items from an image, either by taking a photo using the camera or selecting an image from the gallery. It integrates with the Passio Nutrition SDK to fetch food details and displays the results in a bottom sheet.
useCameraPermissions: It seems like you're using a custom hook to handle camera permissions, but it's not a native hook from libraries like expo-camera Ensure that the hook is correctly implemented or imported.
cameraViewRef: You need to ensure that this ref is properly created and assigned to the camera view. If you're using expo-camera, ensure you're following the right method for capturing images.
const cameraViewRef = useRef<CameraView>(null);
setPictureUri: This is the state updater function. Whenever a new picture is captured, you'll call setPictureUri with the URI of the picture to update the state. This triggers a re-render of the component with the updated picture URI.
The onScanImage function is responsible for sending a captured image to the Passio SDK for remote image recognition . It processes the image, sends it to a remote server for recognition, and updates the local state based on the response.
This part sends the image to PassioSDK for remote recognition.
pictureUri?.replace("file://", ""): This removes the file:// prefix from the pictureUri, ensuring it's in a valid format for the SDK to process.
The third argument, "RES_512", likely specifies the resolution or processing mode for the image.
import {
} from "@passiolife/nutritionai-react-native-sdk-v3";
const onScanImage = () => {
pictureUri?.replace("file://", "") ?? "",
.then((candidates) => {
if (candidates?.length === 0){
Alert.alert("unable to find any food.");
.catch((e) => {
Alert.alert("Unable to recognized this image");
.finally(() => {
Display the recognition results in the UI
In this UI component using a BottomSheet with dynamic sizing that contains a list of recognized items (from passioSpeechRecognitionModel) and a close button.