* SDK is not ready due to missing model files. Please download the specified files
* and call `configure` again, passing in the localFileURLs of the downloaded files.
export type SDKNotReady = {
mode: 'notReady'
missingFiles: string[]
* SDK configuration successfully. This status much be reached before calling `startFoodDetection`.
* It is possible that missing files may still be reported in the event that the SDK is aware of newer
* model versions than the ones currently loaded. The SDK should still function normally in this case.
export type SDKReadyForDetection = {
mode: 'isReadyForDetection'
activeModels: number
missingFiles: string[]
* SDK failed to configure in an unrecoverable way. Please read the error message for more inforation.
export type SDKError = {
mode: 'error'
errorMessage: string
export type SDKBeingConfigured = {
mode: 'isBeingConfigured'
activeModels: number
missingFiles: string[]
export type SDKDownloadingModels = {
mode: 'isDownloadingModels'
activeModels: number
missingFiles: string[]
* The possible states of the SDK after calling configure. Switch on status.mode to
* access the data associated with each state.
export type PassioStatus =
| SDKNotReady
| SDKReadyForDetection
| SDKError
| SDKBeingConfigured
| SDKDownloadingModels
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