Nutritional Database
Once the food detection process has returned a PassioID, it is time to query the database and see what information Passio has on the detected food.
The most detailed information can be found in the PassioIDAttributes object. To retrieve this object from a given PassioID or name or barcode or ocrCode and searchQuery.
* Look up the nutrition attributes for a given Passio ID.
* @param passioID - The Passio ID for the attributes query.
* @returns A `Promise` resolving to a `PassioIDAttributes` object if the
* record exists in the database or `null` if not.
getAttributesForPassioID(passioID: PassioID): Promise<PassioIDAttributes | null>;
* Look up the nutrition attributes for the given name of a food item. This is
* most often used with a string received from the `searchForFood` function.
* @param name - The name of the item you'd like to query.
* @returns A `Promise` resolving to a `PassioIDAttributes` object if the
* record exists in the database or `null` if not.
getAttributesForName(name: string): Promise<PassioIDAttributes | null>;
* Query Passio's UPC web service for nutrition attributes of a given barcode.
* @param barcode - The barcode value for the attributes query, typically
* taken from a scanned `BarcodeCandidate`.
* @returns A `Promise` resolving to a `PassioIDAttributes` object if the
* record exists in the database or `null` if not.
fetchAttributesForBarcode(barcode: Barcode): Promise<PassioIDAttributes | null>;
* Query Passio's web service for nutrition attributes given an OCR identifier.
* @param ocrCode - The OCR identifier for the attributes query, taken from
* the list of OCR candidates on a `FoodDetectionEvent`.
* @returns A `Promise` resolving to a `PassioIDAttributes` object if the
* record exists in the database or `null` if not.
fetchAttributesForOCR(ocrCode: OCRCode): Promise<PassioIDAttributes | null>;
* Search the local database of foods with a given search term.
* @param searchQuery - The search term to match against food item names.
* @returns A `Promise` resolving to an array of food item names.
searchForFood(searchQuery: string): Promise<string[]>;
convertUPCProductToAttributes(product: UPCProduct, entityType: PassioIDEntityType): Promise<PassioIDAttributes | null>;
PassioIDAttributes: Information associated with an item in the nutritional database. Check the entityType
field to determine the type of the item.
export interface PassioIDAttributes {
* The ID of the item in the database
passioID: PassioID;
* The name of the item
name: string;
* The name of the image for this item. Provide this value to a `PassioIconView`
* in order to display the image.
imageName: string;
* The entity type of the item
entityType: PassioIDEntityType;
* The nutritional data for this item in the database
foodItem?: PassioFoodItem;
* The recipe data for this item in the database
recipe?: PassioRecipe;
* Related items above this item in the food heirarchy (more generic)
parents: PassioAlternative[];
* Related items below this item in the food heirarchy (more specific)
children: PassioAlternative[];
* Related items at the same level as this item in the food heirarchy
siblings: PassioAlternative[];
PassioFoodItem: Nutritional information for an item in the food database
export interface PassioFoodItem {
* The ID of the item in the database
passioID: PassioID;
* The name of the item
name: string;
* The name of the image for this item. Provide this value to a `PassioIconView`
* in order to display the image.
imageName: string;
* The default serving quantity
selectedQuantity: number;
* The default serving unit
selectedUnit: string;
* The entity type of the item
entityType: PassioIDEntityType;
* The serving units available for this recipe
servingUnits: ServingUnit[];
* The serving sizes available for this recipe
servingSizes: ServingSize[];
* The mass of the serving size, in grams
computedWeight: Measurement;
* Related items above this item in the food heirarchy (more generic)
parents?: PassioAlternative[];
* Related items below this item in the food heirarchy (more specific)
children?: PassioAlternative[];
* Related items at the same level as this item in the food heirarchy
siblings?: PassioAlternative[];
* Calories, in kcal
calories?: number;
* Carbohydrates, in grams
carbs?: number;
* Fat, in grams
fat?: number;
* Protein, in grams
protein?: number;
* Saturated fat, in grams
saturatedFat?: number;
* Transfat, in grams
transFat?: number;
* Monounsaturated fat, in grams
monounsaturatedFat?: number;
* Polyunsaturated fat, in grams
polyunsaturatedFat?: number;
* Cholesterol, in milligrams
cholesterol?: number;
* Sodium, in milligrams
sodium?: number;
* Dietary fiber, in grams
fiber?: number;
* Total sugars, in grams
sugar?: number;
* Added sugar, in grams
sugarAdded?: number;
* Vitamin D, in milligrams
vitaminD?: number;
* Calcium, in milligrams
calcium?: number;
* Iron, in milligrams
iron?: number;
* Potassium, in milligrams
potassium?: number;
* Vitamin A, in IU
vitaminA?: number;
* Vitamin C, in milligrams
vitaminC?: number;
* Alcohol, in grams
alcohol?: number;
* Sugar alcohol, in grams
sugarAlcohol?: number;
* Vitamin B12, in micrograms
vitaminB12?: number;
* Added Vitamin B12, in micrograms
vitaminB12Added?: number;
* Vitamin B6, in milligrams
vitaminB6?: number;
* Vitamin E, in milligrams
vitaminE?: number;
* Added Vitamin E, in milligrams
vitaminEAdded?: number;
* Magnesium, in milligrams
magnesium?: number;
* Phosphorus, in milligrams
phosphorus?: number;
* Iodine, in micrograms
iodine?: number;
* The ingredients listed on the product packaging, if any
ingredientsDescription?: string;
* The UPC code for this food product, if available
barcode?: string;
export interface PassioRecipe {
* The ID of the recipe in the database
passioID: PassioID;
* The name of the recipe
name: string;
* The name of the image for this recipe. Provide this value to a
* `PassioIconView` in order to display the image.
imageName: string;
* The serving sizes available for this recipe
servingSizes: ServingSize[];
* The serving units available for this recipe
servingUnits: ServingUnit[];
* The default serving unit
selectedUnit: string;
* The default serving quantity
selectedQuantity: number;
* The food items in this recipe
foodItems: PassioFoodItem[];
If at any point you need help from the Passio team, please reach out to us at
Last updated