Section 1 - Setting up Remodel-AR in SwiftUI
Creating and configuring an Xcode project that uses Remodel-AR.
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Creating and configuring an Xcode project that uses Remodel-AR.
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Create a new project using the iOS App template.
Enter “Painty” as the Product Name. Select “SwiftUI” from the Interface pop-up menu then click Next.
Choose a location to save the Painty project on your Mac.
Navigate to the Targets->Painty->General tab. Scroll down to the “Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Content” section and click on the Add Items button.
Click on “Add Other…”, then “Add Files…”. Navigate to and select the RemodelAR.xcframework file and click Add.
Navigate to the Targets->Painty->Info tab. Add a new entry for the “Privacy - Camera Usage Description” key. Give it a description.
First you'll need to configure your license key when the app starts. Open PaintyApp.swift and add the init() block below, then replace "license_key" with the license key you were provided. If you need a license key, please contact
Open ContentView.swift and you’ll see the default Hello World code.
Import the Remodel-AR library and add the required ARStateModel @StateObject:
Create an extension to ContentView and create a variable for the ARView object.
Add the arView object to the view body.
Build and run your project. You will see the walls start to be covered with a mesh. Tap on a mesh and it will be colored.
If at any point you need help from the Passio team, please reach out to us at