Before you can use any feature of the SDK, it is required that you successfully get callback from the configure() method, Just call it anytime before you need to start using features of the SDK. Here is code that you can copy and put in your onCreate().
configure("Passio Developer key","uniqueDeviceIdentifier","appVersion, object : PassioSDKStatus { /** * When SDK authentication is successful for the first time, SDK will use this callback to notify the app. */ override fun onPassioSDKLicensed() { Log.d(TAG, "onPassioSDKLicensed")} /** * When SDK authentication is successful for the first time, * after a new session starts, on authentication success, SDK will use the onPassioSDKValid callback instead of the onPassioSDKLicensed. */ override fun onPassioSDKValid() { Log.d(TAG, "onPassioSDKValid")} /** * When the camera renders the first frame, it gives a callback to an app that the camera is ready. */ override fun onCameraReady() { Log.d(TAG, "onCameraReady")} /** * When SDK authentication is failed, SDK will use this callback to notify the app. */ override fun onPassioSDKError(error: String) { Log.d(TAG,"onPassioSDKError" + error) }}
If you run this, It will show a camera view in your screen, Now you are ready to use Remodel-AR SDK.
If at any point you need help from the Passio team, please reach out to us at