Training & Packaging
Export your model for use in a mobile application
At the bottom of the page, underneath the viewing area is the packaging area. Zero-Shot packaging is interactive and requires you to stay on the page while it completes.
When you are ready to create a package, scroll to the packaging area at the bottom, and select a model from the dropdown. There may only be one model here, but if you are working on multiple zero-shot models at once, you can select which one to export to here. Next, give your dataset a name. This name is inconsequential to function, and is just to help you differentiate one export from another on certain pages.
Finally, click Train & Package. You will see a loading timer and an ETA for completion - when the package is done, you will be redirected to the detail page of the package you created, and presented with download options.
Estimated Train Time
Training takes roughly 90 seconds on average for Zero-Shot.
If at any point you need help from the Passio team, please reach out to us at
Last updated