Step 3 - Annotation
The Annotation step allows you to edit, curate and improve the annotations on your images. It allows you to apply a curation step at the incoming data, to refine the data by changing the positioning of the bounding boxes or to bulk edit the label of several annotations. This step is optional and not required.
Required Steps
There are no required steps if the two following things apply:
a) you are uploading data to sources which have Skip Annotation Queue is enabled. In this case, the data you collected is labeled with the label you attached at the time of upload and the bounding box for the annotation is being set by default on the entire image.
b) if you don't wish to apply a second curation step to your data before training on it.
You can take a look at your data in the Browse Annotation view, where you would need to filter by state "unreviewed" since you did not do any additional curation step. You can also filter by label, source and or email.
Optional Steps
If you are uploading data to sources which have disabled the "Skip Annotation" option, then you will need to go to the Annotation Queue to confirm or edit their labeling, in case the image was labeled incorrectly at the time of upload. You can also confirm or adjust the position of the bounding boxes around objects as necessary, e.g. if the image is quite zoomed out of the actual object. You can send images back to the Annotation Queue from other views, or use the skip annotation flag on the source in order to directly send images to the annotation queue at the time of the upload.
The view Browse Queue allows you to search for a label and see all images of that specific label that are currently in the Annotation queue waiting for annotation. Also, you can relabel images directly using the Browse Queue view.
If you want to do a curation step before using your data for training, you can use the Curator view. You can select all labels that have unreviewed annotations, look at the unreviewed annotations and decide whether to accept, exclude or relabel them. If you think it's relevant to change the position of the bounding box of the annotation, you can use the "Send to Annotation Queue" button in order to send the selected annotation back to the Annotation Queue.
You can use the Annotation Browser to view and edit all annotations, given that they are not currently in the Annotation Queue. You can filter by the label, curation state, source and email. After selecting images, you can "Send them the Annotation Queue," or edit the label and curations state.
If at any point you need help from the Passio team, please reach out to us at
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