The SDK can detect 4 different categories: VISUAL, BARCODE, PACKAGED FOOD and NUTRITION LABEL
const config: FoodDetectionConfig = {
* Detect barcodes on packaged food products. Results will be returned
* as `BarcodeCandidates` in the `FoodCandidates` property of `FoodDetectionEvent`
detectBarcodes: true,
* Results will be returned as DetectedCandidate in the `FoodCandidates`and
* property of `FoodDetectionEvent`
detectPackagedFood: true,
* Detect barcodes on packaged food products. Results will be returned
* under the `nutritionFacts` property on `FoodDetectionEvent`.
detectNutritionFacts: true,
useEffect(() => {
if (!isReady) {
const subscription = PassioSDK.startFoodDetection(
async (detection: FoodDetectionEvent) => {
const { candidates, nutritionFacts } = detection
if (candidates?.barcodeCandidates?.length) {
// show barcode candidates to the user
} else if (candidates?.packagedFoodCode?.length) {
// show OCR candidates to the user
} else if (candidates?.detectedCandidates?.length) {
// show visually recognized candidates to the user
} else if (nutritionFacts) {
// Show scanned nutrition facts to the user
// stop food detection when component unmounts
return () => subscription.remove();
}, [isReady]);
Try to run the above code in component and Point the phone to the image below and see if you are getting the correct food in console log Got food detection event
If at any point you need help from the Passio team, please reach out to us at