Food Recognition Delegate
We'll now resolve the error introduced earlier by implementing FoodRecognitionDelegate
extension ViewController: FoodRecognitionDelegate {
func recognitionResults(candidates: FoodCandidates?, image: UIImage?) {
guard !isProcessingResult else { return }
if let candidates = candidates?.barcodeCandidates,
let candidate = candidates.first {
print("Found barcode: \(candidate.value)")
if let candidates = candidates?.packagedFoodCandidates,
let candidate = candidates.first {
print("Found packaged food: \(candidate.packagedFoodCode)")
if let candidates = candidates?.detectedCandidates,
let candidate = candidates.first {
isProcessingResult = true
PassioNutritionAI.shared.fetchFoodItemFor(passioID: candidate.passioID) { [weak self] foodItem in
if let foodItem {
let nutrients250g = foodItem.nutrients(weight: Measurement<UnitMass>(value: 250.0, unit: .grams))
if let calories = nutrients250g.calories()?.converted(to: .kilocalories) {
print("Food: \(foodItem.foodItemName): \(calories.value) calories")
self?.isProcessingResult = false
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